고순도 단열식품 포장 8011 알루미늄 호일 롤-42

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고순도 절연/식품 포장 8011 알루미늄 호일 롤 대한민국

여행지 설명
연속 끼워 넣다
두께 두꺼운 호일 : 호일의 두께가 0.1~0.2mm 정도 되는 것.
단일 제로 포일: 두께가 0.01mm 이상 0.1mm 미만인 포일입니다.
Double zero foil: Double zero foil refers to two zero foils after the decimal point of its thickness mm, usually less than 0.01 thickness of aluminum
foil, that is, 0.005~0.009mm aluminum foil.
셰이프 압연 알루미늄 호일
시트 알루미늄 호일
Status Hard foil: aluminum foil that has not been softened after rolling and has residue on the surface when it is not degreased. Therefore, the hard foil
must be degreased before printing, laminating and coating, and can be used directly if used for molding.
반경질박(Semi-Hard Foil) : 경질박과 연질박 사이의 알루미늄박의 경도(또는 강도)로 주로 성형에 사용된다.
Soft foil: The aluminum foil that is completely annealed after rolling is soft and has no residual oil on the surface. Soft foils are used in most
applications such as packaging, composite materials, electrical materials, etc.
표면 Single-side bright aluminum foil: double-rolled aluminum foil, one side of light and one side of black after the roll. The thickness of single-sided
aluminum foil usually does not exceed 0.025mm.
Double-sided aluminum foil: single rolled aluminum foil, both sides are in contact with the roll, and the two sides of aluminum foil are divided into
mirror double-sided aluminum foil and ordinary double-sided aluminum foil due to the different surface roughness of the roll. The thickness of
double-sided optical aluminum foil is generally not less than 0.01mm.
방법 플레인 포일(Plain Foil) : 압연 후 가공되지 않은 알루미늄 포일, 라이트 포일이라고도 함
엠보싱 호일: 표면에 다양한 패턴을 인쇄한 알루미늄 호일입니다.
복합 호일: 알루미늄 호일과 종이, 플라스틱 필름, 판지를 복합 알루미늄 호일로 접착합니다.
코팅박 : 각종 수지나 도료로 코팅한 알루미늄박.
유색 알루미늄 호일: 유색 표면을 코팅한 알루미늄 호일입니다.
인쇄된 알루미늄박 : 표면에 다양한 문양, 문양, 문자 또는 그림을 형성하는 알루미늄박은 12가지 색상, 최대 XNUMX가지 색상 가능

경쟁 우위 :

1. 좋은 내식성

The surface of the aluminum foil is covered with an oxide layer, which can improve its corrosion resistance and extend its service life.

2. 강력한 단열 성능

The surface covering layer of aluminum foil can not only protect the metal itself from oxidation, but also form the effect of heat insulation and prevent the loss of internal temperature.

3. 강한 가소성

As a very thin metal product, aluminum foil has strong ductility and plasticity, and can withstand various shapes and be used as a container.

4. 다양한 사양

Aluminum foil has a very wide range of specifications, thickness, width, length can be adjusted to meet a variety of different needs.


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