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големопродажба на големо топло натопување gi безшевни поцинкувани кружни челични цевки astm a106 sch 40 erw gi железна цевка за конструкција-42

Поцинкувани производи

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Трговија на големо со топло натопување gi безшевни галванизирани кружни челични цевки ASTM A106 Sch 40 ERW GI Железна цевка за градежништво

Опис на производот
Место на потекло: Шандонг, Кина
Бренд име: $560-600/TON
Број на моделот: A106/A53GRB API5L/Q195,Q235,Q275,Q355,Q345,/SAE1010/1020,1045,etc
Потврдување: API, CE, Bsi, RoHS, SNI, BIS, tisi, KS, JIS, GS, ISO9001
Минимална Подреди Кол: 1 тони
цена: 560 долари/тон
Пакување Детали за: Стандард за извезено пакување (во снопови, најлонски кеси, дрвени кутии или по потреба)
Време на испорака: 3-7days
Начин на плаќање: ФОБ 30%Т/Т,70% пред пратката
CIF 30% претплата и салдото што треба да се плати пред да се изврши пратката
или Неотповиклива 100% L/C на повидок
Набавка Способност: 10000 тони / тони месечно

Опис :

1.1 详情
1.2 详情
1.3 详情

Galvanized steel pipe is divided into hot galvanized steel pipe and cold galvanized steel pipe

Топло поцинкувана цевка

The molten metal is reacted with an iron matrix to produce an alloy layer, thereby combining the substrate and the plating layer. Hot-dip galvanizing is to pickle the steel pipe first, in order to remove the iron oxide on the surface of the steel pipe, after pickling, it is washed by ammonium chloride or zinc chloride aqueous solution or a mixed aqueous solution of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride, and then fed. Hot dip plating tank. Hot-dip galvanizing has the advantages of uniform plating, strong adhesion and long service life. Most of the northern processes use galvanized strips to directly coil the zinc

Ладно поцинкувана цевка

Ладно поцинкување е електрогалванизирање. Количината на галванизација е многу мала, само 10-50 g/m2, а неговата отпорност на корозија е многу полоша од онаа на топло поцинкуваните цевки. Редовните производители на галванизирани цевки, со цел да се обезбеди квалитет, повеќето не користат електро-галванизирање (ладно позлата). Само малите фирми со мала опрема и стара опрема користат електро-галванизиран челик, се разбира, нивните цени се релативно поевтини. Во новоизградените куќи, забранета е употреба на ладно поцинкувани челични цевки како цевки за водоснабдување.

Разлика топло поцинкување и ладно поцинкување

Процес на галванизација на топло натопување:

Workpiece degreasing → washing → pickling → washing → drying solvent dip fluxing preheated hot dip galvanized → cooling → finishing → rinsing → drying → passivation test

Ладно поцинкуван процес:

Chemical degreasing → washing → hot water hot water electrolysis degreasing → washing → washing → strong corrosive galvanized iron alloy → washing → washing → light → → washing → drying passivation

Предностите на галванизираните цевки се следниве:

Firstly, galvanized pipe after being hot dip galvanized surface can be protected, and inside the cavity of the pipe or any other coating the corner is difficult to enter, deepen the zinc can easily cover to the top, make whole galvanized pipe can be protected.

Second, after being galvanized pipe galvanized its impact resistance and anti-wear properties are very good, because the zinc coating hardness values larger than the hardness of steel, and therefore the impact resistance of hot-dip galvanized after and abrasion resistance is quite good. Furthermore galvanized biggest advantage is in the corner of the zinc layer will be relatively thick and good toughness and abrasion resistance, while other coatings are often in this corner of the thinnest most difficult construction, and therefore are vulnerable injury.


l Опис l Поцинкувана заварена цевка
l Одделение за челик l Astm a53 Gr.B / ASTM A106
l Стандард l ASTM A106/A106M;ASTM A53/A53M;API 5L;GB/T 8163-2008;GB/T 8162-2008;BS1387, BS1139,EN39, EN1139, ASTM A53, JIS
l Материјал l A106 одделение A,A106 одделение B,A106 одделение C,A53 одделение A,A53 одделение B,API 5L одделение B,10#,20#,45#
l Површина l Поцинкување со топло поцинкување; Електро-галванизирање; Метод побаран од клиентот
l Тип l 1. Претходно обоено (цинк: 60-120G/M2)l 2. Поцинкувано топло (цинк: 120-500G/M2)l 3. Ладно поцинкувано (цинк:10-50G/M2)
l Големина l Дебелина на ѕидот л 1-22 мм
Надворешен дијаметар 21.3mm-610mm
l Време на испорака l Навремена испорака или како количина на нарачка.
l Пакет l Стандарден извозен пакет за море, или по потреба.
l Апликација l Пренесување течности; структурна поддршка; HVAC; индустрија за нафта и гас; индустриска опрема
l Контакт l Ако имате какви било прашања, ве молиме слободно контактирајте ме.
l Големина на контејнерот l 20ft GP:5898mm(Length)x2352mm(Width)x2393mm(High) 24-26CBMl l 40ft GP:12032mm(Length)x2352mm(Width)x2393mm(High)
54CBMl l 40ft HC:12032mm(Length)x2352mm(Width)x2698mm(High) 68CBM

Брза детали:

1.gi pipe,Hot Dip Galvanized Round Steel Pipe, Galvanized Steel Pipe Galvanized Tube,welded gi steel pipe,gi steel tube

2.Hot dipped galvanized steel round pipe(HDG),is widely used in kinds of industry and building areas all over the world.

Cold galvanized pipe is electric galvanized, galvanized amount is very small, only 10-50g/m2, its own corrosion resistance is much different than hot galvanized pipe.

It can be used in construction,machinery, coal mine, chemical industry, electric power, railway vehicles, automobile industry, highway, bridge, container, sports facilities, agricultural machinery, petroleum machinery,prospecting machinery and other manufacturing industries.

Хемиски својства %
Одделение А
C Mn P S Si Cr Cu Mo Ni V
0.25 0.27-0.93 0.035 0.035 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.15 0.4 0.08
Одделение Б
C Mn P S Si Cr Cu Mo Ni V
0.3 0.29-1.06 0.035 0.035 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.15 0.4 0.08
Одделение Ц
C Mn P S Si Cr Cu Mo Ni V
0.35 0.29-1.06 0.035 0.035 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.15 0.4 0.08
Механички својства
Одделение А Одделение Б Одделение Ц
Јачина на истегнување 330 415 485
Максимална моќност 205 240 275


Galvanized welded pipe refers to a type of steel pipe that has been coated with a layer of zinc through a process called galvanization.

The galvanization process involves immersing the steel pipe in a bath of molten zinc, which forms a protective layer on the surface of the pipe.

The purpose of galvanizing welded pipes is to provide corrosion resistance and extend the lifespan of the pipe. The zinc coating acts as a barrier between the steel and the surrounding environment, protecting the pipe from rust and other forms of corrosion.

This makes galvanized welded pipes suitable for various applications, especially in industries where exposure to moisture or corrosive substances is common.

Некои клучни придобивки од галванизираните заварени цевки вклучуваат:

1. Corrosion resistance: The zinc coating provides excellent corrosion resistance, making galvanized pipes suitable for outdoor and underground applications.

2. Durability: The combination of steel and zinc coating enhances the strength and durability of the pipe, allowing it to

издржат тешки услови и тешка употреба.

3. Cost-effectiveness: Galvanized welded pipes are generally more affordable compared to other corrosion-resistant alternatives,making them a cost-effective choice for various projects.

4. Easy installation: Galvanized welded pipes are relatively easy to install due to their standardized sizes and compatibility

со најчесто користени фитинзи и конектори.

5. Versatility: Galvanized welded pipes are available in various sizes and thicknesses, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, including plumbing, construction, agriculture, and industrial projects.

It is important to note that galvanized welded pipes have limitations. Over time, the zinc coating may degrade or wear off,

especially in highly corrosive environments. Therefore, regular inspection and maintenance are necessary to ensure the continued protection of the pipe.

Additionally, when working with galvanized welded pipes, it is important to take proper safety precautions, such as using

appropriate personal protective equipment and ensuring proper ventilation, as the galvanization process can release fumes that may be harmful if inhaled.


construction,machinery, coal mine, chemical industry, electric power, railway vehicles, automobile industry, highway, bridge, container, sports facilities, agricultural machinery, petroleum machinery,prospecting machinery and other manufacturing industries.


Поцинкувана тркалезна челична цевка
Stabdaed:API 5L,API 5CT,ASTM A53,ASTM A500,GB9711.1 Application:To be used for conveying gas,water,and petroleum for oil and natural gas industries
and use for the structural steel pipes purpose Main Steel Tube Grade:GR.A,GR.B,GR.C,Q195,Q235B,Q345B and so on.
INCH OD (MM) Страндард Дебелина на ѕидот
SCH 10WT (мм) SCH 20WT (мм) SCH 40WT (mm) SCH 60WT (мм) SCH 80WT (мм) SCH 100WT (мм) SCH 160WT (мм) XXS (мм)
1 / 4 " 13.7 2.24 3.02
3 / 8 " 17.1 2.31 3.2
1 / 2 " 21.3 2.11 2.77 3.73 4.78 7.47
3/4 " 26.7 2.11 2.87 3.91 5.56 7.82
1" 33.4 2.77 3.38 4.55 6.35 9.09
1 1-/ 4 " 42.2 2.77 3.56 4.85 6.35 9.7
1 1-/ 2 " 48.3 2.77 3.68 5.08 7.14 10.15
2" 60.3 2.77 3.91 5.54 8.74 11.07
2 1-/ 2 " 73 3.05 5.16 7.01 9.53 14.02
3" 88.9 3.05 5.49 7.62 11.13 15.24
3 1-/ 2 " 101.6 3.05 5.74 8.08
4" 114.3 3.05 4.5 6.02 8.56 13.49 17.12
5" 141.3 3.4 6.55 9.53 15.88 19.05
6" 168.3 3.4 7.11 10.97 18.26 21.95
8" 219.1 3.76 6.35 8.18 10.31 12.7 15.09 23.01 22.23
10 " 273 4.19 6.35 9.27 12.7 15.09 18.26 28.58 25.4
12 " 323.8 4.57 6.35 10.31 14.27 17.48 21.44 33.32 25.4
14 " 355 6.35 7.92 11.13 15.09 19.05 23.83 36.71
16 " 406 6.35 7.92 12.7 16.66 21.44 26.19 40.49
18 " 457 6.35 7.92 14.27 19.05 23.83 29.36 46.24
20 " 508 6.35 9.53 15.09 20.62 26.19 32.54 50.01
22 " 559 6.35 9.53 22.23 28.58 34.93 54.98
24 " 610 6.35 9.53 17.48 24.61 30.96 38.89 59.54
26 " 660 7.92 12.7
28 " 711 7.92 12.7
30 " 762 7.92 12.7
32 " 813 7.92 12.7 17.48
34 " 863 7.92 12.7 17.48
36 " 914 7.92 12.7 19.05
38 " 965
40 " 1016
42 " 1066
44 " 1117
46 " 1168
48 " 1219

Конкурентна предност:

We have competitive prices and timely delivery advantages in the supply of seamless steel pipes, not only for volume customers, but also accept customer orders for sample personalized design, specifications and packaging requirements.

A106 1

A106 2

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A106 4

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